Tuesday, January 18, 2011

a la Mexicana.

Waiting for my Spanish mistress,
I begin to pace around the room
analyzing the space which I occupy.
She is late, as per usual,
and probably missed the bus.
I hear screams coming from another room,
high-pitched, a woman.
I pour myself a brandy,
as the disorder in the other room intensifies.
I search for a flame to light my fag,
soon finding a book of matches.
I take a drag,
ponder my mere existence,
and exhale.
A cloud of smoke rises.
And then my Spanish mistress arrives,
naked, exposed to the world.
The great phallus revealed,
I jump on the bed,
and welcome a night that will cure me.
If only.

The moon sits low,
as we do our dance,
until the morning light shines.
A la Mexicana.

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